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Crème Fraîche 200ml

Crème Fraîche 200ml

Regular price $8.50 AUD
Regular price Sale price $8.50 AUD
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The core of what we do at Pepe Saya Butter is make crème fraiche (soured cream), which is what our butter is churned from.

To make our crème fraiche we add a culture (lactobacillus) to the cream and then ferment it, for the pure reason of flavouring the fat in the cream. Once the cream matures, we churn it into Pepe Saya Cultured Butter, but we always keep a little back to give you beautful crème fraiche.

Perfect on fresh berries, desserts, pastas or with your scrambled eggs.


Check out our blog for recipe ideas.

Nutritional Info

Ingredients: Cream (from pasteurised cows milk), culture

Nutritional Information: Energy 1794kJ/100gm, protein 2.1g/100gm, total fat 60gm/100gm, saturated fat 40.1g/100gm, carbohydrate 1.8g/100gm, sugars 1.2g/100gm, sodium 21mg/100gm

How To Store

Keep refrigerated. Shelf life - 14 to 21 days.

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